Alright. So we don't use this room that often. But it is a place we can dump stuff we just don't know what else to do with.


Riot's Death by FRU


Galatea's Limerick

Orion's Ode to Kronos



He Walks in Leather

Stopping for Beer on a Snowy Evening

Shall I Compare Thee?

Oh, Caspian, My Caspian

The Disgruntled Horseman

How do I Drink Thee?

The Fright Before Christmas

Kronos' Kristmas Limerick


G & K Enterprises

United Horseman Productions

The Great and Powerful G'OZ of Kompoundland

Highlander Fantasy Charity Theatre


If only the U.S. had received the Euros, the whole discussion of which horseman was which and who was death would have taken a different turn.
The Euros
Bronze age? Who's who!

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