
"Pity I couldn't read the heiroglypics, but the
Ancient Greek was most enlightening" - Kalas

Links to the great Fanfic, poetry and essays written by the fans. Browse the Writings...


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Songs and Poetry

AC's infamous domain
Adam Pierson's homepage
The Adventures of Katherine MacLeod
Alexa's Garden
The Book of Darius
bosslady's page
Casa de Methos
Castle MacChat
Celebrations &/or Occasions of Mourning
Chez Bunny
The ChrisGallery
The Clan MacFru
The Clan MacSpam
The Clan MacWoW
Dedicated to the ROG
Evil Duncan MacLeod
Fitzcairn Manor
Highlander~Immortal's Quest
Immortal Factoids
It's part of my charm!
JJ's Diner
JuliaL's Tribute to Highlander: The Series
Kate of Kintail's Tribute to Highlander: the Series
Kate's Kintail
Kath's Highlander Magazine
Laura Mason's Highlander Page
The MacMINT Asylum
Mang's Humble Abode
The Many faces of Adrian Paul
Marina's Highlander Page
Old Soul's castle
Palace of the Wind
Rabidkiwi's Entertainment page
Rae's little home on the web
The Ravenite FON Wolfe Pack
The Raven's Nest
-=The Realm=-
Ricki's Immortalisque
ROGs Retreat
StarDancing's Mountain Hideaway
The Stories of Highlandlass
Trivial Pursuits
The Unofficial Highlander WWW, FTP, and HLFIC-L Archive Site
Vixen's Den

Essays and Musings

AC's infamous domain
Adrian Paul - What a Guy!
All About Hmpf
Amand-r's Page O' Giggles and Furies
Beccaelizabeth's Dojo
The Book of Darius
CABS: Citizens Against Bad Slash
Celebrations &/or Occasions of Mourning
The Clan Denial
The Den of Iniquity and Mayhem
Duncan MacLeod's Book of Days
Highlander DownUnder
A Host of Furious Fancies
The Immortals Highlander Page
Janeen's Highlander Fanfiction
Jane Mortimer Fan Fiction
Kamil's Highlander Home
Kate's Highlander Page
Killa's Adventures in Melodrama
King Fat's Domain
Lair of the Horsemen
Laudre's Library
Literary Ramblings
Mang's Humble Abode
Maria's Page of Myth's
Marina's Highlander Page
Methos Boxer Brigade
The NetCafe
The Ohiolanders
Palace of the Wind
Sabotini's House O' Fanfic
Vignettes and Snippets
Vixen's Den
Yet another Highlander Page

Interactive Stories

Alexa's Garden
Casa de Methos
Clan MacPsiSib
The Continuous Highlander Story Line
Highland Lair
The Lyric Wheel
Tink's Highlander page
The Watchers web-based HL show

For links to other Writing, see Page 1. For links to Adult writing, see here.

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Graphics on this site were created espically for Quink's Links, so please don't steal.
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