Here are a few we'd like to see . . .

Posted by MacKinney MacWench, with some help - well, make that a lot of help! - from AJM

on Sunday, 7 June 1998, at 4:15 p.m.


"Gone With The Horsemen" - Atlanta burns again! (Sorry about that, Biker Babe!)

"Out of Anatolia" - the Horsemen leave home to safari and pillage.

"Strictly Ballroom" - Leather Lad learns the box step! (Just for you, Godiva!)

"Chariots of Leather" - the Four Horsemen at the very first Olympic games.

"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Village" - Bronze Age humor from Silas, Caspian, and some monkey sweat.

"The Woad Warrior" - the Methos story!

"A Man Called Kronos" - Leather Lad does the Native American thing!

"Knight of the Long Knives" - 'Nuff said.

"What's New, Caspian?" - Can psychotherapy really help the tattooed one?

"Four Brides for Four *Brothers*" - Ack! Don't think so!!!

"Where The Horsemen Are" - Can we get Connie Francis to do the song?

And finally, "Last Tango in Paris" - what Kronos wishes had happened on top of the Eiffel Tower in Finale! ((Or maybe "Last Mango in Paris"? No, better not go there... *g*)


You're hired.

Godiva -- Sunday, 7 June 1998, at 4:31 p.m.

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