Here you'll find a lot of wonderful shots of Leather Lad, both around the house and in some of his Halloween Costumes. He does enjoy dress-up.

Leather Lad in the Horseman Arc

In one universe Leather Lad certainly is alive

Hold still and say 'drumstick'

All screen captures are original. No ownership or rights are implied and no profit is obtained. Purely for personal amusement I assure you. However a lot of time and effort was sacrificed and many megabytes of space gave up their puny little lives to provide a rich stomping ground. Had I borrowed anyone else's screen captures I would have asked first and given suitable credit where credit was due. Quid pro quo the author expects the same courtesy to be paid her i.e. don't borrow anything from here or link without suitable begging, sniveling and groveling, after which, when an acceptable time has elapsed, permission will most likely be given. But don't skip the groveling part or you will be punished. Contact the Kommandant prior to pilfering or you may not live to regret your actions.

The following links travel to the amazing Highlander spoofs of Warangel. You may not download or copy these pictures. But please drop Warangel a note in appreciation for his efforts. And do bookmark them so you can visit often.

Proof positive that Leather Lad is still alive

Leather Lad's weekend in Palm Springs

Master Suite

Private Quarters

Tourguide Map