Happy Birthday, Oh World-Conquering Harbinger of the Apocalypse!

Posted by In Loco (no, Silas, I'm giving it to him now. Well, I sure *hope* he likes it! Could you.. kind of.. come with me?) on Friday, 13 November 1998, at 8:28 p.m.


Oh. Wait. Hang on a sec.

*ouch* *eech* *uuch*

(Boy, is this floor hard on the knees.)



In Loco Mentis - withdrawing on her knees backwards while K unwraps the black leather wrappings. . . .


Something to help K dust the high places. You stick a cloth over the top of it and reach up.



Posted by k on Friday, 13 November 1998, at 8:45 p.m.


Not pointy. No gud for klub. 


Ok. You danz. 





wow. I've never tangoed before.

 Posted by In Loco Strictli Ballroomum (In Loco Gingeris Rogeris?)

on Friday, 13 November 1998, at 9:23 p.m.


Is *that* how it's supposed to go? man, when Kronos dips, he *dips* 

*goofy grin*

In Loco Mentis (who can think *now*?)

Birthday Party '98


Family Room


Private Quarters

Tourguide Map